Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Power of Identity : The Key to Expansion

If you really want to expand your identity and your life, then and now, consciously decide who you want to be. Get excited. Be like a kid and describe in great detail who you have decided you are now. Write it down.

One of the core concepts in the Personal Awareness and Leadership seminars is the I AM. It is this thought process or belief that empowers and imprisons depending on how you understand it and use it. People who are not aware of this allow other people to set their identity by labels they use. Some are lucky to be labeled in a positive way and some are not so lucky.

This is the basic concept of self and we can redefine our identity and expand the results we want in life once we become aware.

Everything that we feel is a result of how we use our bodies. Even the most minute changes in our facial expressions or gestures will shift the way that we are feeling in any moment, and therefore evaluate our lives, the way we think or act. Our beliefs which are thoughts of certainty guide us to react in certain ways. Our belief about a certain person will determine how you think and feel about his behavior, and the meaning that you’ll link to everything he does. Our beliefs will guide all our interaction with this person. If we believe a person to be a liar, we doubt everything he says like the boy who cried wolf. We have beliefs about most of the people in our lives, from our parents, siblings, neighbors and friends.

The are also what Tony Robbins calls global beliefs which are bigger. These are like our beliefs about people in general. These beliefs will guide not only how we deal with one person but with everyone you meet. These beliefs will impact your career, your relationships, your trust in people etc. Global beliefs about life, scarcity or abundance will determine your stress level, your income, your lifestyle, energy and zest for life. If you have scarcity mentality, you believe there is only so much time, so much money, so much love then you will constantly live in fear that you will not get enough and you really won’t. We even have global beliefs about certain types of people, like gays or cops or politicians which affect the way we deal with them.

The most powerful of these beliefs is the core belief that will filter all your perceptions. This is the belief about who you believe you are or your identity.

What we can or cannot do, what we consider impossible or possible, is rarely a function of our true talent or capability. It is more of a function of our beliefs about who we are. In the seminar we have this module the I AM. This is who we think we are. It is not only thoughts of your I am or identity but also when you have thoughts like “I could never do that.” or I’m not that kind of a person.” Then you have run up against the barriers of a limited identity and are imprisoned instead of empowered

Do you know someone who was not funny actually corny but acts like he is really funny, cracks a joke and starts laughing as if he gave a really good joke and sometimes you find yourself laughing with him? Some people in show business are not really good actors but they ended up making tons of money. It is their identity that allows them to go beyond their actual talent and then

WHAT IS IDENTITY? Our identity is the belief that we use to define our own individuality, what makes us unique-good, bad or indifferent-from other individuals. Our sense of certainty about who we are that creates the boundaries and limits within which we live.

Our capability and talent is a given but how we use it depends on the identity you have decided to have for yourself.Would you say that you are confident? Shy? Flirt? Friendly.

There were some average students assigned to average teachers but made to believe they were the best teachers and students to each other and they ended up living up the expectations that were set. The students started getting better grades. They believed they had the best teachers and treated the teachers with respect and the teachers thought they had the best students and treated them as such.

We will act consistently with our views of who we truly are, no matter whether that view is accurate or not. Because we need to be consistent, if not then you are labeled a hypocrite, two faced, plastic etc.

Unfortunately some have self identities that put them down like drug addict, alcoholic, gambler, womanizer, black sheep. When they buy this identity they act accordingly. It becomes who they really are. This is the essence of the Pygmallion Theory, that people live up to expectations set about them.

When we change beliefs about who we are, our behavior will change to support that new identity.

The reason we fail in some of the things we do is because what we are trying to accomplish is not consistent with our self image.


Identity is formed by decisions we made about who we are that determines our destiny. We were influenced by others, by society and we decided that this is who we are. That which you believe becomes your identity. Your identity determines your actions and your actions determine your destiny. But no matter how others influenced us we can still decide for ourself which to believe.

If you really want to expand your identity and your life, then and now, you can consciously decide who you want to be. Get excited. Be like a kid and describe in great detail who you have decided you are now. Write it down and start reprogramming your belief about who you are. And then start moving towards that identity by talking about it to others, Start acting like it is an absolute certainty in your mind. Start doing the things that will lead you to the attainment of your goals as if you cannot fail. Once that identity is fixed you will move towards it and be consistent with the image in your mind. Whatever the mind can conceive and believe it will achieve. What have you got to lose. It's like kid's play.

If you want more. Attend the half day seminar of Power of Identity: Key to Expansion inspired by the book of Anthony Robbins, Awaken the Giant Within.

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